5 reasons to start targeting ethnic audiences
Today’s consumers are enjoying more power thanks to online growth and increased trends in globalisation.
With plenty of choice in the marketplace, ethnic consumers more often exercise this power to break free from brands that do not address their cultural needs.
Ethnic media outlets such as ethnic newspapers provide a higher ROI on advertising than mainstream outlets due to their highly targetted/niche audiences.
1 By catering to cultural needs such as translated content and multilingual staff, brands can gain the loyalty of ethnic consumers fast.
2 Ethnic consumers (who speak little or no English) tend to promote “ethnic ready” brands to others in their community and word of mouth spreads faster.
3 Ethnic advertising and marketing is highly targeted, therefore Return On Investment (ROI) is much higher than traditional advertising and marketing.
4 Costs associated with ethnic marketing are significantly lower than their English counterparts.
5 Already English produced content and relationships can be leveraged to target a new set of ethnic consumers, saving both time and costs.
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