An introductory guide to Chinese and NAATI translation services

If you’re looking for a translation service provider then it doesn’t pay off to simply go with the firm or individual that offers you the cheapest deal. There are many considerations you have to make The second big issue you must consider is the translators' credibility. Rather than just taking their word for it or the fact that you may like the design of their website, you want to know that your potential translator has the ability to complete your job to a high-quality standard and in an ethical way. And that’s why the NAATI exists. What are NAATI translation services ? Particularly if you are a foreigner coming to Australia for the medium to long-term, you may have noticed the abbreviation of NAATI. This stands for National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters. NAATI is actually a limited company that is jointly owned by the nine governments of Australia, consisting of an appointed Board of Directors, who govern it on behalf of the owners. ...